Party Requests

Did you know you can book Southwest Swim Club for parties during regular hours or after hours?  Southwest is a great place to hold your celebration at a very reasonable cost.

Please fill out the appropriate form below.  When you click to submit this form, it will go to pool management for approval.


Parties During Regular Hours

  • Parties are defined as members meeting together in a group with more than 5 non-member guests in attendance.  It is a Party even if you have invited a large family as your guests for the day, and we require you to follow these rules in that situation.
  • We have a hard limit of 15 guests for a During-Hours Party.
  • We do not allow the use of “co-hosts”= asking other members to bring in guests for your party to skirt the limits on guests.  The limit on guests is in place for everyone’s safety and security.
  • Approval is required for all During-Hours Parties to ensure that pool management can provide adequate staffing and security for your event during our regular hours.  Approval requires at least 48 hours advance notice of your party via the During-Hours Party Form.
    • Approval of parties is not guaranteed.  Please do not plan a party without prior approval from pool management.
    • Approval may not be granted for weekends, holidays, and other days when we anticipate high member usage of the pool.  Pool management must focus its staffing on keeping the pool safe on these days.
    • Approval of a party does not guarantee a space under the pavilion or on picnic tables.  The manager on duty or other staff will assist in finding an appropriate spot for the party if necessary.  Additionally, claiming space under the pavilion does not guarantee privacy for your party.
  • Without full approval for your party, you and your guests will be turned away from entering the club.  While this is difficult for both pool staff and members (especially children), the safety and security of our pool comes first.  Members who willfully ignore or flout our rules will be subject to sanctions from staff or pool management.
  • All guests at a party must use guest passes for entrance or pay the gate entry fee.
  • Parties are limited to 3 hours each.  Parties must end on time with guests and members cleaning up the area and packing up.
  • Parties beginning at 6:00 P.M. or later must end by 8:45 P.M. due to the time it takes to clean up, dry off, and pack up.
  • All swim club rules and regulations apply!  Anyone not complying will be asked to leave.

After-Hours Parties:

  • Southwest Swim Club can be rented out for an After-Hours Party.  Please use the After-Hours Party Request form to request an After-Hours Party.
  • All After-Hours Parties are held from 9:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.  All party attendees must leave by 11:00 P.M.  The pool will be cleared by 10:45 P.M.
  • Costs for the After-Hours Parties are dependent on the total number of party attendees (both members and guests) so that pool management can ensure an adequate number of staff members and lifeguards to keep your party safe.
  • For parties involving minors under the age of 18, additional adult supervision (not including pool staff or lifeguards) must be provided by the renting family or group.  Chaperones must be over the age of 21, and there must be 1 chaperone for every 10 minors.
  • Significant advance approval is required for After-Hours Parties.  Approval of your preferred party date is not guaranteed, so please do not plan an After-Hours Party until your party date has been fully confirmed and booked with pool management.
  • All swim club regulations apply.  (See the Pool Rules & Bylaws page for complete rules.)  Anyone not complying will be asked to leave.