Swimming Lessons

Swim Lessons:

We offer sessions of group swim lessons throughout the summer, taught by our certified and experienced lifeguards.

For 2023, we hope to offer three sessions of swim lessons: Dates are TBD.  Please watch for more information.

Sign-up for swim lessons will be handled through a Sign Up Genius that will be emailed to members.

Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  While each member child is eligible for one session of free swim lessons each year, we are not able to guarantee availability for all schedules and children.

Private Swim Lessons:

Private swim lessons can be arranged with our lifeguards.  The guardhouse has a list of lifeguards who are available to teach private swim lessons.

For questions regarding our swim lesson sessions or private swim lessons, please contact manager@swswim.org

SWSA Swim Lesson Policy:

We do not allow the use of outside swim teachers to teach any lessons at SWSA because of insurance issues.

We do not allow SWSA members to teach swim lessons at SWSA, also because of insurance issues.

If you have questions about this, please contact president@swswim.org.